20 Best Self-Defense Spray in USA

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20 Best Self-Defense Spray in USA

Self-defense spray, also known as pepper spray or OC spray, is a non-lethal self-defense tool that uses oleoresin capsicum (OC) to cause temporary blindness, difficulty breathing, and intense burning sensations when sprayed in the face of an attacker. It is a popular self-defense option for individuals who want a non-lethal and legal way to protect themselves from potential harm. Self-defense sprays come in a variety of sizes, strengths, and delivery methods, including keychain sprays, gel sprays, and foggers. While it is important to note that self-defense sprays are not legal in all jurisdictions, they can be an effective tool for personal safety in certain situations.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

Best Self Defense Pepper Spray

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